Why Should You Consider a Broker for Remortgaging?

Taking the step to remortgage your home is a significant move, and it’s sensible to consider whether you need a broker in this journey. While it’s not a rule to have one, a broker can be a helpful ally, making the process smoother for you.

Here are some compelling reasons to consider getting a broker to assist you:

  • Expert Guidance. Brokers are experts in the mortgage sector. They can easily spot excellent deals that you might overlook, saving you both time and potential money.
  • Strong Connections. Brokers use their extensive connections to lenders to find you the best deals and rates that best suit your needs.
  • Tailored Advice. Every homeowner has unique needs. Good brokers can offer advice that is right for your situation, assisting you in making the wisest choice.
  • Saves You Time. Instead of spending countless hours researching and comparing rates, a broker takes on this task, ensuring you achieve the best outcome with far less hassle.

Using a broker for remortgaging is a smart move that can help you get the best possible deal. You’ll be well-prepared to make informed decisions and take advantage of the best opportunities in the market.

How Do You Select the Right Mortgage Broker for Remortgaging?

To select the right mortgage broker for remortgaging, start by doing your homework on potential brokers in your area. Look into their backgrounds and check for reviews or testimonials from previous clients to gauge their reputation.

Next, consider arranging interviews with a few brokers to get a sense of their expertise and approach. During these discussions, focus on their understanding of the UK remortgage market and how well they can tailor strategies to suit your specific needs.

An excellent broker should be willing to listen to your concerns and goals attentively, offering solutions that align with your financial situation. They should also have a network of contacts in the industry, helping to streamline the process and find the best deals available.

Remember, a good broker is someone who can offer clear advice, making the complex world of remortgaging easier to understand, without making you feel overwhelmed. They guide you step-by-step, ensuring that you make informed decisions that lead to favourable outcomes.

Once you feel confident in a broker’s ability to assist you, take the step to collaborate with them for a smooth and successful remortgaging process. 

If you’re looking for a stress-free way to find and select a good remortgage advisor, get in touch with us. We’ll get your details and pair you with a broker who can take care of your remortgaging needs and get you the best deal.

Infographic outlining steps to choose the right mortgage broker for remortgaging, featuring icons for research, interviews, expertise, understanding client needs, industry contacts, and engaging a broker.

What Can a Remortgage Advisor Do for You?

When you decide to remortgage, you might face challenges like:

  • Finding it difficult to keep up with the frequent changes in the mortgage market.
  • Feeling overwhelmed by the number of lenders available and choosing the right one.
  • Getting tangled up in complicated paperwork.
  • Hitting roadblocks due to a poor credit score.
  • Dealing with fluctuating interest rates that make your monthly payments uncertain.
  • Noticing your property’s value has changed, affecting the terms of potential mortgages.
  • Facing penalties or extra costs from your current lender for changing your mortgage.
  • Having trouble proving your income, especially if you’re self-employed or have recently switched jobs.
  • Understanding the types of mortgages and choosing the right one for you.

Despite these potential hurdles, engaging with a remortgage advisor can be a great boon. These experts can steer you through the twists and turns, helping you avoid pitfalls and find the best solutions. 

They’re adept at negotiating favourable terms and can provide tailored advice to make your remortgage journey smoother, saving you time and potentially a lot of stress. They stand by your side, ensuring you make informed decisions that lead to successful outcomes.

How Much Does it Cost?

Figuring out the costs tied to remortgaging is a vital step when planning your finances. The actual costs can differ, usually based on your situation and the specific details of the mortgage. Some brokers charge a fixed fee, whereas others base their fees on the overall value of the deal.

But here’s some good news: The brokers we work with adhere to the principle of charging reasonable fees. Your first chats with our remortgage specialists won’t cost you a thing. 

Mostly, they’ll only ask for payment after they have successfully found a deal that you’re happy with. On the rare occasion that a fee is needed upfront, they’ll give your money back if they can’t find a solution that makes you happy.

Remortgaging with a Bad Credit History

Having a bad credit history can be a stumbling block, but it doesn’t mean you’re out of options. It’s quite common to have a less-than-perfect credit history. Even if you’ve faced rejections in the past, there are still opportunities available.

Our seasoned brokers are experts at tackling these issues. They can suggest different paths and link you up with lenders who are more sympathetic and flexible. 

These lenders specialize in offering remortgages to people with credit hiccups. Thus, a financial mistake in the past doesn’t have to prevent you from securing a favourable remortgage now.

What Happens If You Go Straight to a Bank or a Broker?

Going Straight to a Bank

  • You can have a simple process, working with only one place.
  • Enjoy a faster route if you are already a bank customer, using your existing relationship.
  • Skip broker fees, since you are doing the talks yourself.
  • Get through the process faster with less back-and-forth chats.


  • You are limited to what the bank offers, reducing your chances of finding the best deals out there.
  • The guidance you get may just focus on what the bank offers, and not be great for complex situations.
  • Banks may not look at your whole financial situation, only focusing on what’s needed for their products.
  • You lose the chance to check out offers from other lenders, which might stop you from finding the best deal.
  • Face a greater chance of being turned down if your finances don’t match the bank’s exact needs.
  • You might use up more time checking the bank staff’s skills, and it can be a bit tricky.

Searching for a Broker on Your Own

  • You can pick a broker that feels right for you, giving you more control over your choices.
  • You have the chance to get honest advice that suits your situation.
  • You might find a wider variety of mortgage deals than if you went straight to a bank.
  • A good broker can help you find great deals and save money in the long run.


  • It can take a lot of time to find the right broker, as you’ll need to look at many profiles.
  • You might meet brokers who push you to certain lenders without fully understanding your needs.
  • Brokers have different levels of knowledge, which means the quality of deals you get can vary.
  • You’ll need to check each broker’s qualifications, which can take extra time.
  • Not all brokers have the same skill level, so you might miss out on better opportunities.
  • You might have to pay higher fees, although a skilled broker could still help you save money in the end.

Remortgage Smarter, Not Harder: The Role of an Expert

In conclusion, stepping into remortgaging doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s how teaming up with an expert can make things easy and stress-free for you.

First things first, it’s all about finding advice that fits you like a glove. Every person’s financial picture is a bit different, and a remortgage advisor is here to sift through the noise and pinpoint the best avenues for you, all in a manner that’s as clear as it is personalised.

Now, let’s get real about choosing the right advisor. Instead of spending hours searching for the right broker, we save you time by doing the hard work for you.

Our broker-matching service pulls the weight in narrowing down the right broker for your needs. We connect you quickly with someone who gets your financial standing and can offer you insider access to deals you might not stumble upon otherwise.

Starting with a remortgage advisor is easy. You just need to contact us and share some basic details about your current mortgage and what you’re hoping to achieve with the remortgage.

From there, we introduce you to your matched broker who will guide you step-by-step, ensuring you’re comfortable and informed throughout the process.

So, are you ready to make a move? Get in touch today to find better deals with a remortgage advisor and set a strong financial foundation for your future.