Can You Get a Mortgage as the Sole Applicant When Married?

When you’re married, the assumption is often that you’ll apply for a joint mortgage to buy a home together. But that’s not always the case. 

Various reasons might lead you to get a mortgage in just one person’s name, even when married.

If you’re wondering, “Can I get a mortgage on my own if I’m married?” 

The simple answer is yes, it’s very possible in the UK. 

However, it requires meeting certain mortgage requirements and criteria. Let’s look at the key considerations.

Image showing you can get a mortgage on your own even if married.

Will Being Married Affect My Mortgage Application?

Being married won’t automatically prevent you from getting a sole mortgage, but it can make the application process more complex.

For example, the lender will want to know:

  • Your partner’s income, spending, debts and assets
  • Why you want to be the sole applicant
  • Who else lives in the property as non-owners

Some lenders assume your spouse will also be a party to the mortgage unless you specify otherwise. 

You may need to provide additional paperwork and explanations compared to applying as an individual who has never been married.

So while it’s certainly allowed, getting a sole mortgage when married can be a little more complicated. 

Let’s look at some of the top reasons people consider this option.

Why Get a Sole Mortgage Instead of a Joint Mortgage?

There are various scenarios where getting a single-person mortgage while married makes sense:

  1. Your Partner Has Poor Credit. If your spouse has a poor credit history with defaults, CCJs, or something more serious like bankruptcy, this could seriously limit your joint borrowing options. By applying alone, their credit issues won’t impact your ability to get approved.
  2. You Earn Significantly More Income. In some marriages, there is a big disparity in earnings. If your household income is mostly from your salary, you may qualify for a larger mortgage amount by only using your own income, assets, and credit rating.
  3. Your Partner is Self-Employed or Has a Complex Income. If your spouse has a complicated income situation like being self-employed, a business owner, or having multiple income streams, single mortgage affordability may be easier to calculate and get approved.
  4. You Provide the Deposit. If your partner isn’t contributing to the deposit, some lenders might still allow a joint mortgage if a deed of trust is set up to protect your investment.
  5. You Already Own a Property. If you owned a property before marriage and now want to buy another, a sole mortgage keeps your new spouse off the title deeds. This can simplify the process and avoid complicating your finances.
  6. You Seek Tax Benefits for Investments. For buy-to-let or investment properties, applying alone can offer tax benefits. Lenders are often more accommodating of a solo application in these cases.
  7. You Don’t Want Your Spouse Liable. Some people prefer to get a mortgage without their spouse being legally liable if they can qualify on their own income. This keeps debts and assets fully separate.
  8. You’re Divorced or Separated. If you are going through a divorce or separation, getting a new sole mortgage may be needed to remove an ex-partner’s name or to buy out their share of ownership.
  9. Your Partner is a Non-UK Resident. Lenders can have very specific requirements if applying with someone without indefinite leave to remain in the UK. A sole application may be simpler.

Image showing the valid reasons for getting a sole mortgage while married. Use a few texts.

As you can see, there are many valid reasons to carefully consider a sole mortgage application even when married or living together as spouses.

Do I Need My Spouse’s Permission for a Sole Mortgage?

No, you don’t legally need your spouse’s consent or signature to take out a mortgage in just your name, even if you’re pooling your resources.

Yet, lenders will still ask about your marital status and any dependents as part of their application process. Trying to conceal your marriage is not advisable; it could be seen as fraudulent.

Some lenders often want to assess your spouse’s finances too, including their income, debts, and credit history, to get a complete view of your household’s situation. 

However, if you qualify on your own, their finances won’t stop you from getting approved.

What if My Partner Won’t Share Their Financial Details?

If your spouse won’t share their financial details, you still have options for getting approved:

  • Use a lender that accepts sole applications without needing your partner’s income or asset details.
  • Explain why your partner’s information isn’t included, such as separation or being a non-EU resident without a UK credit file.
  • Seek help from a mortgage broker experienced in single-applicant mortgages for married individuals. They know which lenders have more flexible policies.
  • As a last resort, look for lenders who may approve with just your income and assets, though this might require a higher deposit.

While full financial transparency is ideal, there’s flexibility for getting a sole mortgage with the right broker’s advice.

Consult a mortgage broker after mortgage decline

How Much Can I Borrow on My Own Income as a Married Applicant?

When you’re married, but applying solo, how much you can borrow hinges on your own income, existing debts, credit score, and the size of your deposit.

Most lenders will cap your borrowing at around 4-5 times your annual income before tax. So, if you’re earning £50,000 a year, you might be looking at a mortgage between £200,000 and £250,000.

But it’s not that simple. Factors like your deposit size, existing commitments, job security, and location can sway this figure. A bigger deposit and little to no debt could boost your borrowing potential. On the flip side, existing loans or childcare costs might pull it down.

To see a quick estimate of your mortgage amount, use our mortgage affordability calculators below. Just pop in your income and other details.

[Embedded Mortgage Affordability Calculator]

Can I Leave My Spouse Off the Property Deeds?

While possible, there can be some legal and tax implications if you want to own the property under just your sole name while being married.

  • UK Marriage Laws and Jointly Owned Assets. In the UK, assets acquired after marriage are considered jointly owned, regardless of whose name is on the deeds. This ensures both parties have certain rights and claims.
  • Stamp Duty Risks. Leaving your spouse off the property title without a valid reason could be seen as an attempt to avoid higher stamp duty rates on second homes, which is considered tax avoidance.
  • Inheritance and Divorce Implications. A non-owner spouse might face issues with inheritance rights and property division in case of divorce.


While getting approved for a mortgage as a sole applicant, lenders might question why your spouse isn’t on the title deeds. Common exceptions include:

  • Your spouse is a non-UK resident without legal rights to own UK property.
  • The property is a rental investment separate from your matrimonial home.
  • Clear legal reasons, like protecting inherited assets from previous marriages.

To avoid complications, it’s generally best to make your spouse a co-owner on the property deeds, even if you qualify for the mortgage on your own.

Single Mortgage Top Tips When Married

To improve your chances of getting approved for a sole mortgage while married, keep these tips in mind:

  • Be upfront, don’t hide your married status or any financially dependent individuals
  • Explain clearly if you will be the sole mortgage holder and why that approach is necessary
  • Gather all income, debt, credit and asset documentation proof for your sole profile
  • Consider a larger deposit over 10-20% if your partner has poor credit being excluded
  • Check the legal and tax implications of leaving your spouse off the property deeds
  • Shop around and get advice from brokers who specialise in single-applicant mortgages

If you qualify financially and have a valid reason for applying solo, a single mortgage when married is certainly an achievable option in the UK with sound mortgage planning and advice.

The Bottom Line: How To Apply?

Due to the complexities involved when getting a sole mortgage when married, seeking professional advice is highly recommended.

Image of the whole of market broker. We have this.

Qualified mortgage brokers that specialise in sole mortgage applications for married people can ensure:

  • You fully understand all the potential implications before you apply.
  • Your application is properly documented and structured.
  • Everyone’s legal interests and responsibilities are clearly laid out.
  • You’re matched with lenders who know how to handle this specific situation.
  • You avoid costly mistakes during the application or closing process.

Using a whole-of-market broker gives you peace of mind. They’ll handle the tricky bits of your mortgage application, leaving you free to focus on other important things. 😀

Need a broker? Get in touch. We’ll connect you with a qualified mortgage broker for a FREE, no-obligation consultation about your situation.